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Lynette's Uber-OverBlog

The nearly complete social of ME

I just saw a bright shining lightbulb and her name is +Belinda Parmar: From her +The Guardian article...

I just saw a bright shining lightbulb and her name is +Belinda Parmar:

From her +The Guardian article:

I want to speak at events where women AND men are listening. This is not a "women's problem". It's a "society problem". And we need the whole of society to change it.

Don't get me wrong, I love (LOVE) speaking and training at women-only events. Much like what I perceive girl-only schools being like, the environment becomes much more positively suited for women learning and discussing topics. When in mixed-company, the ability to ask - and answer - questions is (sometimes) tainted by gender issues.

Teaching to women in single-gender environments is a privilege,  but discussing issues that need both women and men to stand up and make changes is pointless unless all parties are in the room. I have many intelligent conversations with 'enlightened' men in technology, marketing, and conference organizer roles that honestly don't need 'preaching' to either.

What I really need is a room full of men-only to talk to that think women already 'enjoy' all the rights and privileges and monetary equality that men do across all fields of employment. I need to talk to a room full of men that feel women whine too much about equal pay or feminism. I need to take them all in a room, shake them by the shoulders, and show them the very lives their daughters will live in should they keep on their myopic path of ignorance.

My hope is that this room will be filled with very few men as Belinda's job - and mine - will have been wildly successful.

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